UFO Hearings To Commence

From the charismatic physicist Dr. Michio Kaku:

They say, “the truth is out there.” The United States just hosted the first public hearing on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) in decades and declassified some related findings. There are still more questions than answers at this point but I’m encouraged. It seems as if this subject might finally be treated seriously. I appeared on CNN to discuss these developments

Speaking strictly for myself, I’m hoping we can put off our first interactions with extra-terrestrials until after we get our own “house in order.”  Now does not seem to be the right time to introduce human civilization to intelligent beings from the cosmos, when:

• The most powerful nation on the planet is teetering on the edge of fascism.

• An authoritarian world super-power is conducting a brutal invasion of a neighboring democracy, torturing and executing innocent citizens.

• The nations of Earth are doing very little to mitigate the deadly effects of climate change, simply so that the most profitable industry in human history can maintain its economic dominance.

Welcoming ETs at this point would be like having a dinner party at your home, the floors of which are littered with beer cans and dirty clothes.  Let’s do a bit of housekeeping first.

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