Celebrating the Defeat of a Bill that Would Have Accelerated the Consumption of Fossil Fuels

Dozens of grassroots environmental groups exerted enough pressure in Congress such that West Virginia senator Joe Manchin was forced to abandon his bill that would have propped up Big Oil for another decade or so.

From this:

Manchin’s bill would have “streamlined” the permitting process for energy projects, implementing the fossil fuel industry’s wish list—undermining the protections of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Clean Water Act (CWA), undercutting opportunities for public comment and Tribal consultation, and setting obstacles to those seeking legal redress. It was an attempt to further silence frontline communities, who even under the current regulatory system bear the inequitable burden of health impacts from fossil fuel pollution.

We’re teetering on the edge.  From all of us, thanks to those who invested their money and time into making sustainability a little bit closer to reality.


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