Congressional Republicans Jumping Ship from the “Stolen Election” Narrative

No one expects 100% candor from American politicians, but some people consistently amaze us with their bald-faced lies.

The latest phenomenon is jumping ship from the “Stolen Election.”  Here we have people like Dr. Oz in his Pennsylvania senate race, who, in exchange for Trump’s endorsement, were backing the former president’s claim that the 2020 presidential election was rigged in favor of Biden, driven by massive voter fraud.  Now they find that they’re alienating too many independent voters, so they’re changing direction.

If I were trying to decide between Oz and his opponent, I might be thinking to myself, “Look, dude, either there is evidence that the election was stolen or there isn’t.  What you’re telling me is that you stood behind Trump’s position knowing goddamn well that there was zero evidence of these outrageous lies.  You convinced millions of the American people that our democracy had failed, and that the election should be handed to a pathological liar, in particular, someone you knew had lost.  Call me woke, but that doesn’t work for me.”

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