Removing Money from Politics

My mom occasionally mentions that the blog here has a tendency to be repetitive, and there’s no arguing that.  After all, there are only a few main impediments to humankind’s living longer, healthier, more just, more satisfying lives on a greener planet, and it is to those subjects that I confine myself.

The one that sits on top of all the others, the keystone to the arch as it were, is money in politics.

David Cobb, known as a “people’s lawyer” for his fierce legal pursuit of corporate polluters and lobbied elected officials, says this: no matter what cheeses you off most about our current situation: rapidly deteriorating education, a two-tiered justice system, the mass murder of our school kids, the fossil fuel industry’s using our atmosphere as its own private sewer, or homeless veterans dying of treatable diseases, it all comes down to one thing: bribery.

Lawmakers are taking campaign contributions from entities that profit from ruining innocent people’s lives.


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