Trump, His Co-Conspirators in His Attempt to Overthrow the U.S. Government–Including the Fake Electors–All Need to Receive Fair Trials

As explained here, it appears that the 16 alleged “fake electors” in Michigan are prison-bound, and it’s hard to imagine that there aren’t many dozens, if not hundreds, in  essentially identical positions in other swing states who may be on their way to the Big House.  (At left we see 11 from Arizona.)

That’s good news.

But here’s something that I find objectionable, from the same notification as the video linked above: “To call for Donald Trump to be convicted, sign here.”

What honest people want is that Trump will receive fair trials in each of the criminal cases against him, that, we believe, are very likely to result in his conviction.  No one who understands and respects the law believes there is any merit to Trump’s being tried according to public opinion.

It may sound like a trifling difference, but it’s not.

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One comment on “Trump, His Co-Conspirators in His Attempt to Overthrow the U.S. Government–Including the Fake Electors–All Need to Receive Fair Trials
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Well written.