Don’t Expect that Trump’s Name Will Be Forgotten

I understand how the author of the meme here feels, but two points if I may:

1) Even if you live to see your 200th birthday, unless you go live in a cave, you’re going to be hearing Trump’s name, because the former president made a far more horrific impact on the United States than any other single person in its history.

2) I wouldn’t say that hearing his name is a bad thing, as we must never forget how close we came to becoming a banana republic. Nor should we forget that we’re living among tens of millions of hateful morons.  Forewarned is forearmed.

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One comment on “Don’t Expect that Trump’s Name Will Be Forgotten
  1. Scott McKie says:

    We are not out of the woods “towards becoming a banana republic” under any manner of understanding.

    And Trump and his MAGA followers — should be rememberd for what they tried to do — and did do.

    That’s the way we don’t get lied to again, and go down the Trump MAGA rabbit hold again.

    Always remember — to kill a snake — you have to cut off the head, not the tail.
    The snake can always grow a new tail.