More on “Balanced” Reporting

Re: the cartoon at left, a reader notes: “This is why people are afraid of nuclear power.”

Exactly.  Virtually everyone who understands the threat of climate change and the potential danger posed by nuclear power favors the further development of the latter.

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One comment on “More on “Balanced” Reporting
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Maybe “…everyone that thinks that way (paraphrase)” — in spite of all of nuclear power’s negative / extremely long term negative features — because nuclear power has worked for us all — for some time now.

    And more importantly — by example — the average person, and those that have the position to make decisions concerning nuclear power — have not been made privy to / made aware of the fact: that a solid-state electric power supply, that has been professionally proven, is US Patented, and produces unlimited, environmentally clean, electric power — is available for use in the very near future.

    That information “could be made public”.

    But the decision to do so — is under the control of others.

    The direct, positive impact, and solid positive movement toward first slowing, then stopping: and then reversing climate change — before reaching the 1.5 C temperature increase / “tipping point” — just doesn’t seem to be that important to those in control, i.e., those that control what people can read — because they control the “availability” of what “information is made available.

    This is especially important and true (as reported by Reuters News) — because Physicists at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory produced “over-unity” power production — agaoin: for the second time — with a greater output than before.

    The concerned / reading person — can only become “aware” of and react to; “new information” so movement can be started from the status quo.

    But that awareness only comes about when “new information” is presented / made available — to be read and learned from.