Further Discussion on “Ben Carson — ‘Can I Count on You to Help Unite Our Divided Nation?'”

In a recent post I pointed out that Ben Carson will cause only a small number of Americans to: “Pledge (Their) Servant Leadership (whatever that means) to One Nation, Under God,” on the basis that “Much of our country has lost sight of our founding principles, (for example) faith as an American cornerstone.”

Perhaps the most offensive aspect to all of this is the line: (I pledge to) hold my neighbors accountable as we unite in an effort to preserve freedom in America.

Assuming my neighbors actually accept this garbage, they have no right to force me to buy into it too.

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One comment on “Further Discussion on “Ben Carson — ‘Can I Count on You to Help Unite Our Divided Nation?'”
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Ben Carson is a proven Charlatan / righ-wing politician — that has shosen to voice the menaing of the forming of the US — steeped in evangelistic / “Christian” (yeah right!) “clap-trap”.

    Let him, or anyone else that “believes that garbage) pleadge anything they sant — but the moment they even make a move, politically physically socially, or in any other manner — that even looks like an infringement of your right — as stated in the Constitution, and understood by the maajority of the citizens in this country — legally “flatten them” by taking them to court and really “getting to them” financially.

    Trump is learning that the hade way for his sexual attack years ago.
    It’s “in the finandial gonads” that people like Ben Carson and his ilk are suseptable — because they’ve drunk too much of their own Cool-Aid to have the ability to think otherwise.

    It’s just like the 2nd Ammendment dudes screaming about their 2nd Ammendment “right to bear arms” being infringed on.
    Let them purchase what was in use back when the Constitution was written — because that was what it was intended for — muskets only.