What Happens When Law Ends

At left we have the words of 18th Century British philosopher John Locke, who made this timeless observation.  Sadly, United States is knocking on the door of the horrific outcome.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans support the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump for his attempt to overthrow the U.S. government following his loss of the 2020 election.  Yet about 30% of voters believe that the former president is the victim of political oppression from Democrats, the Deep State, the Hollywood Elites, or whomever.  What they don’t seem to understand is that the indictments came down from grand juries, whose members are most certainly not acting out some sort of vendetta against the defendant.

Be this as it may, it really doesn’t matter what the American people think about Trump; at this point, the wheels of justice are in motion.

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One comment on “What Happens When Law Ends
  1. Scott McKie says:

    There needs to be a point made to MAGAs.
    Be very careful — because your unlegal acts — will get your butt tossed into prison –= and the rest of us don’t give a damn about “what you believe”.