Trumpism Is Going to Be Hard to Undo

A reader mentioned recently that we can’t expect Trump’s removal to change much in American society, at least anytime soon.  He reasoned that Trump granted us permission to act like ass****s to one another, and there is no mechanism by which that permission can be withdrawn.

I’m afraid he’s correct, by and large.  There is a certain percentage of our population, and it’s considerable, that revels in hate, greed, fanatical Christianity, and the rejection of science.  They are like kids in a candy store at this point, and they aren’t going to want to leave.

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One comment on “Trumpism Is Going to Be Hard to Undo
  1. Scott McKie says:

    I disagree with your premise here — that Trump gave these people permission.
    Do do what — to be themselves?

    There was no “permission given” — by Trump, or anyone else in the MAGA crowd.

    EACH ONE of those people is responsible for his or hers individual actions and thoughts –at any time.

    The only thing that Trump did — was to demonstrate through his entire, sick, life history — that so far there hasn’t been any “real” reprocussions to being a lying, mentally sick, degeneate, bastard.
    And just like he was raised but his crazy father — he has raised his children –to be just like “dear old Dad”.

    There have always been people like Trump.
    They just have been too cowardly to openly show others who they really are / were.

    Now we know who and what they really are.
    Worrying about, and trying to change their mind(s) — is a total waste of time and energy — because they’ve always been who they are.

    But how we deal with them — should change.