Qatar’s Spinning Resort and the Second Law of Thermodynamics


Where does the energy come from to spin the resort?

Someone thinks they’ll get more energy out than they put in?

I’m reminded of a business plan for generating electricity using hydrokinetics I reviewed long ago, whose author told me, “Think of it as a river in a box.”

I tried to explain that he could not get more energy out of the box than he put into it to get the water moving, and therefore this was theoretically impossible, but he wasn’t buying it.  I told him I had something burning in the kitchen as an excuse to politely end the call.


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2 comments on “Qatar’s Spinning Resort and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
  1. Scott McKie says:

    You really should think about this:

    You, and your self-righteous “I know everything / dismissive / I know I’m right” (because everybody says so) attitude here: totally misses one really important “inconvenient fact”.
    Your totally wrong with your “one size fits all” point of view concerning “over-unity” / “more power out than in” / position – and here it is for all to see.

    There is an electric circuit that, under a certain condition — ALWAYS PRODUCES MORE OUTPUT THAN INPUT.

    Just because “you” don’t know something” doesn’t mean that it isn’t true / factual / provable / and has been so for well over a century.

    “More power out than in” — better known to those of us that have actually worked in electronics; not just asked people questions as you did in your book — is called “over-unity”.

    “Over-unity” power production was discovered and embedded (unclaimed) in Patent 464,666 – granted to Nikola Tesla — in 1891.

    Because you relied on “what you think you know”: you totally missed the known and acknowledged fact – that a resonant tank circuit ALWAYS REDUCES THE REQUIRED AMPERAGE INPUT into the tank circuit at it’s resonant frequency.
    That fact is in every Electronics text book written “since dirt” — and the fact that “you didn’t know it” –is no excuse.

    It is “common” that this operating condition is not specifically spelled out in the verbiage describing what takes place in the circuit.
    However — that does not mean that such a condition does not take place.
    Under electrical examination — “over-unity” output amperage over input amperage, when talking about a resonant tank circuit: is always the result.

    As for you here; just to make things clear and simple for you so that you get the facts: a bandpass filter is the radio circuit used to tune any AM or FM radio to a specific radio station so you can hear it.
    That’s been the basic case since the older crystal / “whisker” radio was surpassed.
    Look it up — it’s true.

    It’s the “know it all positions” taken on by “people that have a voice”: like you in this case – that totally impede needed progress.

    It’s not important whether the system in your piece wouldn’t work or not: it was your “know it all” / “no such thing as “over-unity” or “more output than input”/ attitude that shows you up for what you actually are.

    You don’t seem to know the difference between an “opinion” and a “fact”; and secondly: you don’t seem to give a damn about the difference between the two — or the truth for that matter — as long as you are “looked upon as ‘being correct’ “.

    Do you think that the Physicists at Lawrence Livermore are wrong concerning the two announced “over-unity” outcome of their experiments; while you are right?

    Do you think that every Electronics textbook section written about resonant tank circuits are wrong; while you are right?

    Do you think that the US Patent Office was wrong in granting Tesla his Patent, and granting my Patent, while you are right?

    How do you face yourself?