Monica Crowley Is Hawking “Alternative Facts”

Here we have the words of Monica Crowley, political commentator, lobbyist, and Fox News contributor.

It seems, however, that she faces a few problems with her remarks here:

The whole world watched the insurrection on live television.

The U.S. House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump for inciting the event.

Just a few days ago, a judge in Colorado found that Trump had, in fact, incited the violence on January 6th.

The U.S. justice system is aggressively prosecuting Trump for his leadership in an effort to overturn the 2020 election and election interference in Georgia.


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One comment on “Monica Crowley Is Hawking “Alternative Facts”
  1. Scott McKie says:

    And the MAGA Republicans don’t give a damn about “truth”.
    What’s that – never heard of it since Trump was spawned.

    The way things are shaping up – with Biden supposedly locked in for the Democrats — it looks like this country is going to be taken over and changed into something that only they could live in:

    The rest of us, being too lazy to vote — will sit by, wring our hands and lament the passing of “the good-old days” until someone finally gets pissed off enough to take the fight to the “lyin’ bastards” like Crowley and the Murdocks -who consistantly give them their platform.

    I won’t be here to see it — I’ll be elsewhere.