New Wrinkle in Chevron/Ecuador Case

I know many readers are following the Chevron/Ecuador case, in which the oil giant has been ordered to pay $18 billion to clean up the environmental catastrophe they deliberately caused while operating as Texaco in the 1960s – 1990s, and in restitution to the indigenous people who continue to suffer incredible rates of disease as a result.  In a new but hardly unexpected twist, Chevron is suing the attorney who brought the case against them.

As I’ve mentioned, if I’m still on this planet at all, I expect to be a very old man indeed when Chevron finally pays these damages.  ExxonMobil dragged its 1986 Valdez oil spill case out until 2006, a time during which over 8000 of those waiting for restitution died, mainly of old age.

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