Sierra Club Not Thrilled With Trump’s Proposal for His First 100 Days

Sierra Club Not Thrilled With Trump's Proposal for His First 100 DaysThose Sierra Club people aren’t too sanguine in Trump’s election.  Here’s what I just received:

Dear Craig –

Trump has released his agenda for the first 100 days. If fully implemented, it is a disaster for our country, our planet, and everything we have worked for:

SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia.

THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated.

FIFTH, lift the restrictions on American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.

SIXTH, lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow the Keystone Pipeline to move forward.

SEVENTH, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs.

I know you’re scared. I know this can be paralyzing. But this is a moment when we have to fight back like we never have before. The outpouring from people across the country who are standing up, ready to fight back, is like we have never seen.  Will you stand up with them?


The short answer: yes.  I’m not giving up on trying to protect our planet and its people, and I very much doubt you are either.



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5 comments on “Sierra Club Not Thrilled With Trump’s Proposal for His First 100 Days
  1. Lawrence Coomber says:

    Sierra who?

    Well if thats the best offering this club can put forth regarding the critical issue of global greenhouse gasses and climate change science; and if this is the best advice they can present to ordinary intelligent people interested in professional and expert analysis on the subject of reversal of greenhouse gasses through technological solutions, then the Sierra Club and the Seseme Street Club should consider merging forces.

    Lawrence Coomber

  2. Frank R. Eggers says:

    I also find Trump’s agendum to be concerning. However, it is unlikely that he will be able to implement his entire agendum. Also, in two years, there will be elections for the House of Representatives and the Senate. Probably we should soon begin to work on those.

  3. Breath on the Wind says:

    I am concerned about the implications of such a notice. There are several.

    The first is to take the notice at face value and see much of what has been anticipated for some time

    The second is to follow that call to action with attention and consider carefully the options available.

    The third is that I have noticed several publications sending me the same notice with the same final wording: “Will you stand …” And then some of them use this as a method of fundraising. It is all good but I am a little concerned, not abut most of the situations, but for the potential for misuse. People are shocked, some fly-by-night organization comes in with a similar wording and a call to action that is to take the form of a monetary donation. So in your shock and dismay just be a little wise with your commitments.

  4. Lawrence Coomber says:

    Hello Craig.

    This is an open invitation for to consider capitalizing on its enviable reputation earned over many years as an important general information source on many subjects, by facilitating as best as possible and within your scope of operations and capabilities, an urgent forum focus commencing in January 2017 on the globally critically important subject area of:-

    1. The definitive global power generation science and technology development roadmap required for global greenhouse gasses to be reversed to irrelevant proportions permanently, by the orderly withdrawal globally from dependence on fossil fuel generation and internal combustion engine motor vehicles; and

    2. The constituent elements of an international consensus for a methodology to enable the implementation of a global energy imperative of (abundant, clean, safe, low cost energy, for all peoples to power modern lifestyles and new era energy intensive industries and businesses.

    The key point here Craig is that this critical debate has disappeared off the radar in 2016 and has been both distorted and neutralised largely by being wrapped into another debate, that of renewable energy generation proliferation. These two subjects are not connected however, but unfortunately this point has been almost totally ignored and/or misunderstood by global forums in general including

    Those of us (most people I would presume) who are concerned about greenhouse gasses need to see the debate urgently reactivated at the energy generation technology science level now. What we don’t need now is more “motherhood statement” based commentary about the theory of climate science and all of the academic gobbledygook surrounding it.

    We should all by now realise that we are in a perilous situation; we know the reasons why; the science is locked in; it is time to move onto the nitty gritty now which is the science debate about the specific energy generation technology and implementation strategies to replace existing fossil fuel generation and internal combustion engine motor vehicles. We do have a collective global technological capacity to deal with this issue though.

    A good start Craig that would quickly gather momentum would be to source internationally acclaimed expert opinion and regular contributions from:-
    – Energy generation scientists and engineers;
    – Demographics sciences experts specialising in community development; energy distribution, and new age infrastructure and industry development.

    Lawrence Coomber

  5. Silent Running says:

    All of you make good points and the commitment to reality based solutions to confront the looming bad reality of uncontrolled GHG growth emissions is Energizing.

    Thank all of you for your vision and commitment as it is easy to be discouraged – disparate – disillusioned by DARK FORCES THAT Abound

    Lawrence’s suggestions warrant exploration for to consider going forward.

    Trumpism could Be a Opportunity in disguise.